Thu 02 Jan
🔥🔥🔥 Flavia Blonde Beauty 🔥 $100 Incall $pecial 👅💦 From New York💋💋 - 9733913824 - 27
(North Jersey, newark/irounbound/elizabeth/north jersey)
♥ Brunette . Hottie . Is . New . In . Town . & . Ready . To . Rock . Your . World ♥ - 18
(Herndon, Dulles - Incalls)
🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴 ALEXANDRIA ASIAN INCALL🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴YOUNG AND PRETTY🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴 - 21
(Northern Virginia, ALEXANDRIA ASIAN INCALL🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴)
BIGGEST azz On Earth! Seen On OBC! SUPER NOVA Of JUMBO Phat AZZ! None BIGGER Period! - 30
(San Fernando Valley, The San Fernando Valley)
ღ ASiAN seductive *{(Best Pleasure )}*Leaving SoOn SPeCiAL ღ - 22
(Northern Virginia, woodbridge/inCaLLs SpeciaL)
Exotic and fun 36DDD petite and busty mixed party girl Tiffany ..... (862)-766-8649 your Place - 23
(North Jersey, outcall)
ExTrEmElY SwEeT & SeXy HOtTiEs /// LaTiNaS FOr UltImAtE plEaSuRE // vEry dIsCrEEt - 22
ALERT!!! ALERT!!! Hot Pusi!!100% REAL LIVE Czech Girl EASTERN EUROPEAN MODEL now offering GFE & PSE
(Tysons Corner)
* EVeRYTHING you NeED TODaY special $ 35 $ MELISSA - 22
(North Jersey, 46 kennedy boulevard union city nj)
————— ———————————— ———————————— ☆ §EXi€§† BrUnEtT€ ☆ ————— ———————————— ———————————— - - - - - - - - - 27
(North Jersey, WAYNE/RT46/by willowbrook mall)
E✘тя℮m℮LY FREakY💦💖 $70 SPECIALS🎉GEORgouS Face TO MaTCH💦ParTY GirL🍹INCALL ẠvailabLE🍹🌹💕 - 25
❤❤ 80/100/180💕 YoUnG💕sWeeTy 💕nEW 💕AsiAN MiXeD 💕 💕❤❤California Girl - 20
(Northern Virginia, incalls Springfield/ all areas)
ExoTiC BrEaThTaKiNG PeRSiaN/LeBaNeSE _______ EXQUISiTE BeAuTY _______ 100% ReAL______ Available Now! - 24
(North Jersey, Northern NJ)
80hh KinKy SuPer FREAKY SpEcIaL⇨【SHE CAN'T DO IT LIKE ME 】【I'M 2 AMAZING!!】⇨ **Very Open Minded** - 23
(Northern Virginia, Landmark Mall / Incalls & Outcalls)
ஜ๑$60 (ŚeXŶ_ βy_ŃaŤuŔĔ ¤۩۞۩¤ ŃaÚgĤŤy_ bŶ_ČhŐiČeஜ 100% CreamY ~$60 - 23
(Northern Virginia, Alexandria ~ Upscale Incalls)
100% real SEXXIEST Woman ALIVE Tattoed Cali GIRL ߌ 100% REAL PiX ▂ ▃ ▄ ▆ █80$ SPECIALS - 25
(Northern Virginia, dumfries)
#1 A D U L T C O M P A N I O N ! ! ! ( ! NEW PiX ! ) H i G H L Y R E V I E W E D ! - 25
100 ROSES🌹🐝 Beautiful 💯% Real LATINA🙈💦Extremely skilled 👍😏✔️ Super Sexy!! 💃Exotic Bombshell� - 22
(Chantilly incall, Northern Virginia)
💗 1 DAY LEFT !! 💕100% Real!! P E T I T E, BrunEtte!! 💕💕PuRe Satisfaction GUARANTEED! OUTCALLS ONLY💕 - 28
100% pur3 l¡p services 120hr w/ 3®d inc or both us 240hr - 21
(Northern Virginia, rite next to beltway ( both us 170hh))
░▐▐▐▐░ RE'LAX'ATI'ON ░▐▐▐▐░ YO'U ░▐▐▐▐░ DES'ERVE ░░▐▐▐▐ ░ ░ ░░▐▐▐▐ ░ ░░░▐▐▐▐░▐▐▐▐░ ░▐▐▐▐░ ░▐▐▐▐░ - 23
(Lanham, Maryland, Northern Virginia)
👣👣👣I love to please👅👅👅🌈 very nasty specials 💦💦💦 💰💰💰 - 22
(Northern Virginia, Sterling, Herndon, Dulles, Chantilly,)
Adult Females 18 and up wanted for Video's. Up to $1500 per session. Don't wait - 47
(Northern Virginia, Woodbridge, VA)
Male or female Independent escorts- ages 18 - 65 quality screened clients available - 35
(District Of Columbia, Northern Virginia, Virginia & DC)
Want Out? National Free Help 24/7: 1-800-551-1300
(Biloxi, Hattiesburg, Jackson, Meridian, North Mississippi, Southwest Mississippi)
*Everyday* 60/ 80/ 140 I hope u don't overdose on all of this CHOCOLATE baby! ;) (Outcalls only) - 21
»——» DING! DING! ★DING! = (JACKPOT) ★ ★ (80 incall) Hottest BBW LAST NITE - 23
☎️☎️☎️Donations $41 $41 $41 ☎️551 243 2380♋️ 💯Private 💯Relaxing 💯Enjoy 💯 LATINAS North Bergen - 25
(Central Jersey, North Bergen, North Jersey)
▒ ░ * ❤.•* CuRveY *•.❤* ░▒▓•♥• ★ EbOnY ★ •♥• ▓▒░ * ❤.•* GODDESS *•.❤*♡•°$80 spec•° * - 21
(North Jersey, Newark Airport/ Elizabeth Area)
Do you want to try BEST ASIAN MASSAGE THERAPY?? CALL US now and Reserver your session now! KOREANS - 24
(North Jersey)
Come Paint My Girfriends Face and Ass/I uv it in a 3 and Ill never Say no 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 - 23
* CoupLe DaYs LeFt * - SPECIALS- ( ReaDy To ExPLoRe The Fr3aKie UnkNowN) FuN! FuN! VerYOp3NmiNdEd - 19
(SeCauCus/ MeaDowLands ArEa)